2022 NCSD NATIONAL CONFERENCE PROPOSAL SUBMISSION FORM SUBMISSIONS' DEADLINE AUGUST 30TH, 2022 RM_StatsPRESENTER INFORMATIONFirst NameLast NameOrganization/Institution/College NameProposed Presentation TitleSession Abstract (75 words or less- Well be used in Conference program):Presentation Themes Transforming the student experience Increasing accessibility for all students Increasing retention and persistence rates for students Technology solutions Strategic staffing solutions Address Powered by GOOGLE MAPS Street Number Street Address City State Country Zip Code PhoneEmail * CO-PRESENTER INFORMATIONFirst NameLast NameOrganizationCO-PRESENTER PRESENTER CONTACT INFOAddress Powered by GOOGLE MAPS Street Number Street Address City State Country Zip Code PhoneEmail SECOND CO-PRESENTER INFORMATIONFirst NameLast NameOrganizationSECOND CO-PRESENTER PRESENTER CONTACT INFOAddress Powered by GOOGLE MAPS Street Number Street Address City State Country Zip Code PhoneEmail SESSION INFORMATIONIntended Audience (Check all that Apply): Administrators Staff Graduate Students A computer will be provided. Please indicate other equipment needs: Projector and Screen Speakers Internet access What are the learning objectives of the session? (150 words or less):What information, skills, and/or tools will the participants gain from attending (150 Words or less):How does the session relate to the student development/student affairs field? (150 words or less)Facilitator Release * Upon acceptance of this proposal, NCSD is hereby authorized to record and/or publish and use for promotional or other purposes, a conference handbook and/or a conference video, including any material presented during the 2022 conference. Note: It looks like JavaScript is disabled in your browser. Some elements of this form may require JavaScript to work properly. If you have trouble submitting the form, try enabling JavaScript momentarily and resubmit. JavaScript settings are usually found in Browser Settings or Browser Developer menu. NCSD FollowFollowFollowFollow