President's Message

Dr. Jonelle Knox
NCSD President
As the president of the National Council on Student Development (NCSD), I am proud to lead an organization dedicated to supporting professionals who work with the development of community college students. With over 1100 community colleges in the United States, NCSD catalyzes support during this time of change in the landscape of community colleges.
Our commitment to professional development is showcased through the Walter Bumphus Leadership Institute (WBLI). Named after Dr. Walter Bumphus, President of The American Association of Community Colleges, WBLI offers invaluable opportunities for growth and development.
NCSD also hosts an annual conference, bringing together community colleges, four-year universities, and students to network, learn about best practices, and present leadership opportunities within student development.
Join us at NCSD as we continue to support and empower the next generation of community college students. NCSD is looking to expand its reach and partner with community colleges, universities, students, and higher education organizations to support student development.
If you’re passionate about helping students achieve their full potential, consider becoming a member of The National Council on Student Development. Both individual and institutional memberships are available.
You can find more information about NCSD’s memberships and sign up here.
Thank you for taking the time to learn about The National Council on Student Development and we welcome you to our community.
Jonelle Knox, Ed.D