Call for Proposals

PROPOSAL SUBMISSION DEADLINE: Friday, september 15, 2023


OCTOBER 19 – 21 2023
Houston, Texas

The NCSD National Conference is the premier professional development experience for those involved and/or interested in student development in the community college environment.

friday, september 15, 2023

The NCSD Annual Conference highlights promising student development research and practices at community and technical colleges. This year’s conference theme: Reimagine the Future of Community Colleges, reflects a national movement in higher education toward increased efficiency, effectiveness, and accountability. Proposals have a student development/student affairs focus, and topics may include, but are not limited to the following:

  • Advising
  • Career preparation
  • Developmental education
  • Equity
  • Financial aid/literacy
  • Industry and workforce
  • Law, policy, and governance
  • Persistence and retention
  • Personal development
  • Social justice and inclusion
  • Structured pathways


  • Facilitate a presentation session approximately 60 minutes in length with approximately 25 – 40 attendees from various higher education institutions.
  • The presentation should allow for approximately 50 minutes of formal presentation and 10 minutes of discussion/Q&A.
  • The presentation should promote engaging and interactive learning.
  • Presenters are responsible to coordinate technology needs prior to the conference, and bring all necessary materials for the presentation (handouts, activities, etc.)
  • Presentations will be organized into the themes below to assist conference participants in making their selection, based on their individual goals and interests. NCSD will assign workshops to the themes accordingly.
  • Transforming the student experience virtually and on campuses to support Guided Pathways.
    ○   How has your institution increased student satisfaction, retention, completion, enhanced services, or streamlined processes?
  • Innovating with community partners: Increasing accessibility for all students through sustainable community partnerships and integrated funding models.
    ○    How has your institution ensured that all students receive equal support and services?
  • Transforming the workforce by utilizing strategic staffing solutions to support Guided Pathways
    ○    What innovative methods have you used to address service gaps, keep employees engaged, or integrate training across divisions to prepare all employees for the implementation of Guided Pathways?
  • Reinventing Technology solutions for the future to increase student success today.
    ○    How has technology been used to enhance student services, facilitate learning, or help close equity gaps?
  • Increasing retention and persistence in at-risk student populations
    ○    How has your institution ensured that underserved populations receive additional support?
  • Innovating in the classroom to improve student success.
    ○    What sustainable and innovative instructional design methods has your college developed that is
    improving student learning outcomes?
  • Creating smart campuses and facilities for today’s students and workforce.
    ○   How has your institution aligned facility planning and funding to increase student engagement, and support programs and instruction?


  • Clearly and thoroughly complete each portion of the of the proposal form.
  • Directly relate the topic to student development/student affairs
  • Clearly state the goals and objectives of the session.
  • Focus the topic so that the presentation fits within the allotted time frame.
  • Target the topic to a mixed audience of faculty, staff, administrators, and graduate students.
  • Include an interactive component (if appropriate).

Thank you for your interest in sharing your innovative ideas with student affairs professionals from institutions throughout the country! Our goal is to spark innovation in higher education student affairs to increase student persistence, retention, and success.


Proposal Submission Deadline:
friday, september 15, 2023.
Presenters will be selected and notified via email the week of September 18, 2023.

To submit a proposal
please click the button below.